Top 10 BHL Inspirations: #2

Sabina Karlsson!

This is a clear violation of Natural Hair Commandment X but...YES!  I COVET HER HAIR!  I COVET IT WITH ALL MY MIGHT!  It's Gorgeous!  Can you blame me???  The length, the color, and oooohhhh mama...the KINKS!  I ♥ her hair with all my ♥!

Just when I thought she couldn't top her BHL sundae with more Love, she is currently a Plus Size Model for Ford Models



BHL Spotting: India Benet

Eric Benet's 18 year old daughter India  is working on a debut album.  Check out her most recent photo shoot. 

OH! And her Daddy's getting remarried to Prince's EX!  Check it out here.



Friday, January 21, 2011

BHL Spotting: Rihanna

Rihanna was spotted with a new wig yall!  Same HOT RED color...but oodles of volume! 

She's being compared to Side Show Bob, but I think its HOT! 

Tho she has had some hits and misses with this color, I'm diggin' it. A few of my faves....

The Outfit is Sick!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DIY Love: Jewelry Storage!

Ok! Yes, I love my jewelry, but storing it can be a hellafied nuisance especially since I like really chunky pieces that don't fit into normal jewelry boxes.  So about a year ago, during my winter break from school, I decided that I would create a wall display for my pieces so that I would not have to worry about them getting tangled together and so I could clear out the drawer everything was thrown into. 

(please excuse my stacked up shoes)

But upon doing some research, I found that in comparison to some other DIY tutorials that were out there on the web, mine looks BUSTED! Don't worry!  I'll be upgrading soon.  In the meantime, I pulled together a few of my favorites.

These racks can also be wall hung.

If you don't want to hang anything from your walls...

Hat Boxes!  You can buy pretty ones or purchase plain ones from any craft store and decorate them yourself with fabric, paint, wrapping paper, etc.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Top 10 BHL Inspirations: #3

Erykah Badu!

"You need to pick your afro daddy, because it's flat on one side."

Hair that needs no introduction....

Her Live CD is flippin' AWESOME!
